Bracelet Size Guide Chart
Determine the suitable bracelet length 
Use a flexible measuring tape, string or a paper strip and measure your wrist just above the wrist bone. Measure the wrist circumference and be sure that the tape is snug (add approx. 1 cm for correct fitting). This is your wrist circumference and also the internal perimeter, which is used to select the proper size. Your measurement should be such that you can slide your pinky (little finger) under your measuring tape, string or paper strip. Measure with a ruler or measuring tape.
For example: if you measure a wrist circumference of 16,5 cm you will check the table for the 17,5 cm. The right length depends on how you like to wear your bracelet, looser or tighter. According to our sales experience, most customers opt for a well-fitting bracelet, not a dangling one. Most bracelets are only available in one or two sizes. The size and inner circumference can be found in our product description of the bracelet.